Wednesday, June 22, 2016

I learned there are only two times we come under spiritual attack: When doing wrong and when doing right. So no more "why me". lol
The difference is when you are doing wrong, you are fighting the devil and his cronies alone. When you are doing right, God and His promise has your back.
A door closing isn't always a bad thing, sometimes it is. A closed door yesterday doesn't mean it will be closed today or tomorrow. The same with an open door. It is all in timing. Especially, as we mature in the things of God. New level, new devil.
Constantly, re-evaluate the nature of your associations. That includes people, places and things. Ensure the attack you are experiencing isn't because you are doing something wrong. If it is, ask God's forgiveness and repent (get on the right track).
When your path is in line with God's path for you, everything will fall in place. He will fight the battle with you until it is won. When you wake up to start your day you want the devil to say, "OMG!!! She's awake!!! He's awake!!! They're awake!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
Life up your head, take your shield and sword (Word of God) and...
Embrace Grace Too <3