Friday, August 10, 2018

Having conversation online about cutting the cord(cable). Amazing how many offer illegal ways to simply watch tv when I specified, "legally". Back in the day I did things like that. It never pays to be slick. Think you're getting over, NOT. Galatians 6:7: "Don't be deceived. God is not mocked. What a man sows he will reap". There was only one time I disappointed my father. It was when I stole a $10 Mood ring from a drug store. He asked, "Why did you steal that when you had the money?". I felt (.) small seeing the disappointment on his face. Every time I did wrong, I paid for it later. Either something happened to my vehicle, home, computer, tv, health... and it cost me. That was because I was under the curse(of the law) and not the promise. Honesty truly is the best policy and not just a bunch of words. Sow bad, reap bad. Sow good, reap the blessing. God will reward right choices. #paytoplay Embrace Grace Too <3