Friday, April 29, 2016

"For the thing which I fear comes on me, That which I am afraid of comes to me." Job 3:
There are various commentaries about what Job feared. One is, he makes burnt offerings for fear that his children "may" have sinned. Another is, after each affliction he feared what would happen next and it did. (Watch your mouths. Hint Hint)
I don't think it is important what Job feared, but the fact that he did. Think of how much time is wasted on fear. Precious time that could be spent doing other things. Fear and worry does not accomplish anything. Prayer and faith does.
The Word says for the redeemed of Lord to say so(Psalm 107:2). The operative word is "say". It also says God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind(2 Timothy 1:7). This is so we can live a life full of abundance, joy, peace, health and prosperity. #YEEEZZZ
Embrace Grace Too 💖